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Guangdong Lianzhixin Metal Testing Equipment Co., Ltd.

Production management services in line with the brand philosophy of the company since its inception strict quality technology development strategy and the integrity of the attitude of service, from product development, production to sales and service in strict accordance with ISO2000 international quality standard system requirements, the whole process of establishing a set of strict quality management and assurance system.

Production management services in line with the brand philosophy of the company since its inception strict quality technology development strategy and the integrity of the attitude of service, from product development, production to sales and service in strict accordance with ISO2000 international quality standard system requirements, the whole process of establishing a set of strict quality management and assurance system.

Since its opening has been great emphasis on integrity and good reputation. With dedication, pragmatic, high-quality, efficient work attitude and technical strength to win a large number of macro-thick top edge customer support; the company's products and services throughout the country and exported abroad; is a contract and keep credibility, high efficiency, high-quality outstanding enterprises, the industry is currently one of the most powerful equipment for the metal detection equipment supplier.

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    13723581296 Mr Lee  / 13751381190 Mr Chen

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