
Service call:13723581296 Mr Lee  / 13751381190 Mr Chen中文
  • Explosion-proof security products market problem analysis and development proposals


    At present, there are more than 50 domestic explosion-proof R & D and manufacturing enterprises, but the product type, geographical distribution is very uneven. From the product type, the detection of the most enterprises, reaching 29, that is, more than half of the enterprises involved in detection products; protection and disposal of class enterprises is basically the same, respectively, 14 and 12, only this one specialised in after-sales service products. From the product categories, metal security gates, hand-held metal detectors, X-ray security equipment such as the most traditional equipment companies, have reached 10 or so, explosives detector as in recent years began to use a wide range of equipment, the production of five companies, explosion-proof blankets, explosion-proof canisters, search and detonation suits R & D enterprises have reached more than 6, and the other are still relatively small. From the point of view of geographical distribution, Beijing is the largest number of enterprises in the provinces and cities to the number of 24 basically accounted for half of the explosion-proof enterprises, Shanghai and Guangdong to 7 each basically the same, many provinces are still almost nothing!

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13723581296 Mr Lee  / 13751381190 Mr Chen

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