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Brief instructions of needle detector, needle detector machine use of the note


Brief instructions of needle detector, needle detector machine use of the note

Instructions on the use of the needle detector, each brand has its own characteristics of the instructions, but is, in the aggregate, has the following several in common use.

Testing instrument is a detector with high precision, so the user must follow the following rules:

(a), instrument mobile method:

1, carry instruments:

Select 4-6 strong male, substation machine on both sides, both hands from the instrument two-wing bottom end, can the machine move. Don't be end conveyor belt on both ends of the transmission shaft by hand. Otherwise, it will damage the transmission shaft, the effect of damage detection.

2, promote instrument method:

Instrument has four at the bottom of the steering wheel, when the ground move, only the two substation equipment on both sides, forcibly with the hand goes to his destination. But never collisions with other objects.

(2), equipment requirements and methods:

1, the instrument should not be subjected to have power lines in the workshop, above the current, the interference with the waves against the outside world.

The fluorescent lamp, instrument position, must be more than two meters from instrument plane, and the upper instrument best hold fan (ceiling fans), also in order to avoid interference.

3, at the bottom of the instrument, and four support bolt, horizontal balance supporting role. So before use must be anchored four support to balance support level. This can have the effect of anti-jamming.

(3), start method:

1, on 220 v power supply, according to the instrument on the red button, after 2 seconds, press the green button to start.

2, instrument starts, eight on the probe on the red indicator light irregular ablaze, belongs to the normal phenomenon. Three to five seconds, will automatically stop lights ablaze, at this time in order to test normal.

3, detection, clothes to put it gently on the conveyor belt, not more rapid garments put on a conveyor belt at the same time. Can only be continuous, not at the same time.

4, as a result of clothing there a broken needle and instrument signal alarm, and interrupt (stop) delivery, this is normal phenomenon. If it continues to test, need to press the green button to start, other steps and so on.

(4), note:

1, have fixed operators, in order to familiar with, instrument performance and skills in operation.

2, operators on mobiles, and metal jewelry, in order to avoid interference instrument electromagnetic fields to work properly.

3, instrument probe plane and placed on both sides of the wing plane can't scissors, tape and other metal objects, because these things can interfere with the normal work instrument.

4, the instrument factory all debugging to normal and stable, please don't be random rotating parts related instruments. Otherwise, it will damage the instrument test results.

5, the bottom control box is absolutely can't open, otherwise the consequence is responsible for by the customer.

6, move please click attached figure said location

Contact us

Guangdong Lianzhixin Metal Testing Equipment Co., Ltd.

Address:No. 118, Building 2, No. 76, Baiye Road, Liaobu Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China

Mobile:13723581296 Mr Lee  /  13751381190 Mr Chen




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