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Explosion-proof security products market problem analysis and development proposals


At present, there are more than 50 domestic explosion-proof R & D and manufacturing enterprises, but the product type, geographical distribution is very uneven. From the product type, the detection of the most enterprises, reaching 29, that is, more than half of the enterprises involved in detection products; protection and disposal of class enterprises is basically the same, respectively, 14 and 12, only this one specialised in after-sales service products. From the product categories, metal security gates, hand-held metal detectors, X-ray security equipment such as the most traditional equipment companies, have reached 10 or so, explosives detector as in recent years began to use a wide range of equipment, the production of five companies, explosion-proof blankets, explosion-proof canisters, search and detonation suits R & D enterprises have reached more than 6, and the other are still relatively small. From the point of view of geographical distribution, Beijing is the largest number of enterprises in the provinces and cities, with the number of 24 basically accounted for half of the explosion-proof enterprises, Shanghai and Guangdong each with 7 basically the same, many provinces are still almost none.

    From a technical point of view, commonly used technologies can not meet the application requirements, some new technologies are expected to solve the problem of the existence of the domestic core technology is not enough to master, the lack of research efforts on new technologies; from the product point of view, most of the products do not have the relevant standards, explosive auxiliary detection equipment in the current application of the dominant position, the level of product localisation is still low; from the point of view of standardisation, at present at home and abroad have not formed a systematic Explosion-proof standard system, standard development and product development is not compatible.

    Explosion-proof security products market analysis and development proposals

    (A) explosion-proof security products market problem analysis

    1. Few independent intellectual property rights, weak competitiveness

    With independent research and development of technology and intellectual property rights of fewer enterprises, the transplantation of foreign technology or agent of foreign products, many core technologies and products must rely on imports, such as X-ray equipment, the core components of the imaging detector of the basic domestic dependence on imports. With a considerable scale, international competitiveness of few enterprises, mostly small and medium-sized enterprises, most of them are small in scale, weak in strength, low technological content of the product, a single species, do not have the overall solution capability, poor international competitiveness, low market share.

    2. Few product categories, low technology content

    At present, the domestic products are mainly detection, protection and disposal of fewer categories, and in the detection of products in the X-ray inspection and metal detection and other traditional explosive aids detection equipment, explosives detection and detection of explosive devices less products. Few new technology products, some new technology products are still just starting out domestically, such as laser Raman prohibited liquids inspector, backscatter X-ray machine, etc., some foreign countries have been the initial application of high-tech products such as passive millimetre-wave cameras, passive terahertz detectors, etc., the country has not mastered the technology, and some of the products have been widely used such as non-linear node detectors, etc., but no domestic manufacturers produce.

    3. Performance gap with foreign products

    Most of the product performance indicators than the international level is low, such as trace explosives detection equipment in the detection of the sensitivity of foreign products than the low, conventional explosives equipment in the identification of explosives and international products there is a gap in the imaging class of detection equipment in the image resolution, the image of the gap in the automatic identification of the alarm. However, some of the domestic equipment also has its own characteristics, more in line with China's actual, such as foreign trace explosives detector does not focus on the detection of black powder, while the domestic equipment in this regard, the performance appears to be better than the international advanced products.

4. Lack of appropriate evaluation standards

    As most of the domestic equipment does not have the corresponding evaluation standards, but also the lack of effective conformity assessment and market access system, the current market competition is disorderly, product quality varies, companies and brands mixed. Detection equipment users are mostly non-professionals, the principle of the equipment, explosive device characteristics, the characteristics of the crime to understand less, some equipment manufacturers and misdirection, over-exaggerating the role of some of the equipment in the advertisement, one-sided propaganda of the superiority of foreign products, resulting in the user is confused about how to choose the appropriate and effective products, companies confused about how to deal with the adverse competition and adhere to the investment in research and development efforts and funds to develop their own phenomenon. The phenomenon of the company insisting on investing in R & D power and funds to develop itself.

    Such as metal detector product promotion that "can detect the presence of explosive devices", metal detection is not the same as explosives detection, its role is not forensics but the search to provide auxiliary information on explosives. At present, a large number of domestic use of hand-held metal detectors, to the general public caused by misunderstanding, but also to the user caused by misunderstanding, that metal detection can solve all the problems of explosives detection, and thus a large number of metal detectors equipped. Another example, domestic products are with foreign products there is a certain gap, but domestic products in some aspects of Chinese characteristics, such as foreign explosives detection equipment on RDX, TNT explosives are more concerned about the domestic products of black powder, ammonium nitrate and other explosives are more concerned about.

Contact us

Guangdong Lianzhixin Metal Testing Equipment Co., Ltd.

Address:No. 118, Building 2, No. 76, Baiye Road, Liaobu Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China

Mobile:13723581296 Mr Lee  /  13751381190 Mr Chen




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